Structural Steel Structural Detailing: Global Detailing Consultant

Structural Steel Structural Detailing: Steel Structural Design Company:

Steel structures are a common form of construction in the world. They provide a strong, durable and economical solution to many building projects. Steel structures can be designed to meet the needs of virtually any project, from small industrial buildings to high-rises with hundreds of floors.

Steel structures are different from wooden or masonry structures because steel is a material with much higher tensile strength. The greater the weight, the more steel that is needed to support it. Steel for construction was originally produced as wrought iron, but more modern and economical methods of producing steel have allowed this material to be used on a large scale in construction.

The design of a steel structure is based on several key principles, including: - Strength -- Weight -- Economy -- Durability -- Safety.  Steel structures are designed in such a way that they can be erected quickly without the need to make extensive modifications. They are also designed so that they do not require complex and expensive reinforcing of the material. When significant reinforcement is required, it is done with simple steel bars or rods to form connections among members of a structure.

A common type of steel structure is the truss, which has many advantages over other types of structures like masonry ones or framed construction. Trusses provide ease of construction, and have the advantages of economy in use of material per linear foot and weight. Steel trusses, loosely speaking, are a triangle with a very narrow point at the top; they are composed of three spaced beams connected by cross members. The beams rest on tops of the cross members (called "spreaders") that span between each beam. The triangle is supported by posts or posts and foundations that support other parts like walls or slabs.

There are two main types: the longitudinal truss, which is long, and the diagonal truss, which is short. The diagonal truss is easier to construct and can be built on a framework of posts with no foundation or walls. A truss may be either a single-span or multi-span structure. Single-span structures are useless without secondary support such as another beam or pier at each end of the span. Multi-span structures are often used in roof construction (using 'girts' to support the rafters) and for spanning gaps between two buildings. Single-span trusses are used most often for decking, stairs, and roofs. Many types of single-span trusses can also be found as part of more complex structures such as bridges and balconies. The curved shapes used in these projects are possible because the ends of the spans are connected with straight members which allow the individual spans to "bend" into a curved shape.

A multi-span curved truss bridge is shown in Figure 7-1. Figure 7-1: Example of a multi-span curved truss bridge A multi-span curved truss bridge has a minimum of three single spans, and a maximum of six. The length of the single spans is given by L = 3L + 2L2, where L is the length in feet (ft)The minimum clear span for this bridge is given by H = 2H + 1H2, where H is the height in feet (ft)The maximum clearance at midspan for this bridge is given by C = 2C + 1C2, where C is the centre line to centre line distance in feet (ft)The span length of the bridge is given by L = 3L + 2L2, where L is the length in feet (ft)The minimum clear span for this bridge is given as H = 2H + 1H2, where H is the height in feet (ft) The maximum clearance at midspan for this bridge is given by C = 2C + 1C2, where C is the clearance in feet (ft)The height of the center pier is given as 5H, where H is the height in feet (ft).

Steel Structural Design Company Global Detailing Consultant is a leading provider of steel structural design solutions. This company is an expert in the design and detailing of steel structures for all types of projects, from small industrial buildings to high-rises with hundreds of floors. .This Steel Structural Design Company Global Detailing & Designing has been providing steel structural design services to the construction industry for over 30 years.

The company is a member of the National Association of Specialty Contractors and follows guidelines established by the American Institute of Steel Construction.  The company provides services for design of steel signs, towers, and bridges; the structural detailing of a structural frame; calculations for load and strength design; structural steel detail drawings. and specifications. The company also provides design, manufacturing and erection services for large diameter steel fabrications, including beams; columns; trusses; cantilevers. and the fabrication of large fabricated steel shapes for high-rise construction projects.

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